Friday, October 26, 2007

We are a lost people.

The political situation is indeed hot at this time of the year, what with everyone defending their candidate blindly and I mean it literally. Your man is an angel even when caught with cookie crumbs in their lips. “Am not a tribalist he is just the best leader” you say, yeah right as the Americans would put it. May be we should ban the tribes who are offering candidates from voting, I believe this would go a long way into diffusing the already tribally polarized election fever. Funny how the people who have least benefited from their man being in power are the most fierce defenders of Mzee.Just what is it with our people; we refuse to take any rational and logical choices for as long they exclude our favorite son. The best way to undo this ethnic polarity is to ask people to have 42 candidates and each voter must not vote for their tribesman. The big question is, is it possible for someone to support a candidate from their own tribe solely based on merit? Or are we too clouded with our turn this and our turn that?

Monday, October 15, 2007

Was Kalonzo's Day Gods or PANU miracle?

I saw the crowds at Uhuru park with alot of skepticism , may be Kalonzo has some secret weapon and true to his prophecy he shall turn the tables on Raila and Kibaki.The Main stream newspapers did not give any concrete figures like they did in PANU and ODM rallies but from what i saw it could be in the 100's of thousands.What is your take ?, will steadman reflect this new development?Is the Race getting tighter now that Kibaki has more than one headache?

Monday, October 1, 2007

Is Ngilu worth her salt?

Love her or hate her she is a force to recon with in Kenyan politics, but this time round her influence in kambaland is hanging on a string .Will she pull through as she has in the past ? and if so how ?, which political vehicle is her best option?

Why are some kenyan bloggers dictating kenyans

Why are blogs like kumekucha, kenyaimagine acting as if they are elitist clubs , the thing is you open a public forum then you should expect diverse opinions including those you might not necessarily like.This blog is dedicated to freedom of speech , all are welcome to post their opinions no matter how much the blog owner distastes it you have my word there will be no censorship.